
A New Life: LokixReader Chapter 6

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Literature Text

Loki’s POV

After you left the room Loki moved the pile of books off his stomach. Silly girl. He positioned himself to get comfy and started to read. He soon realized it was a play. He attended a few plays back in Asgard. He pictured the actors re-enacting the lines he read. He was fully immersed into the story until he heard your laugh. It was loud, boisterous, beautiful and very distracting. He frowned and attempted to read again. It was a few minutes until you laughed again. With a sigh, he placed the book down. He strained his ears to hear the oddest noises come from the living room. It sounded like mayhem and chaos. He also heard the most vulgar language coming from a male voice. He has never even heard such words used in a sentence before. He did not sense any danger but decided to go out and tell you to quiet down.

He walked out of his newly claimed room and wandered into the living room. He stopped near the staircase to look over at the scene before him. You were clutching something; it was curved to fit your hands and was black. You stared at the square box ahead of you. Loki noticed people moving about and put together in his head that you were controlling them. So humans do have magic of sorts.

“Why are they doing your bidding?” He must have surprised you because you jumped slightly in your seat. You turned to quickly look at him before returning back to the mysterious cube in front of you.

“They’re not real. It’s a game,” you explained half-heartily.

Loki opened his mouth to complain about the noise but he stopped himself when he noticed the joy in your eyes at playing this ‘game’. How can she be so amused by this drab? He turned to leave, but then glanced back at you. He realized he would not be getting any more reading done while you played, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk over and kick the machine like he wanted to do. He ran his hand through his hair in thought. He decided to give up on reading and approached where you were sitting. He sat quietly on the couch beside you. He crossed his legs and rested his head in his hand, he was annoyed with himself. What is wrong with me? I should have demanded her to remain silent while I read in peace, not succumb to sitting and doing nothing.

You must have noticed his aggravation because you froze the game and offered him the oddly shaped device in your hand. He stared at it indifferently. “Do you want to try?” You offered, smiling at him.

“Why would I?” He replied dryly.

You pouted; it reminded him of a lost puppy. “Please? It’ll be fun.” You waggled the device in his face. He grabbed it to make you stop before you accidently hit him in the face with it. You beamed happily. “Yay! Okay so here’s what you do…”

To say Loki was confused was to put it lightly. You had explained the different buttons and analog sticks and what each did. It felt awkward in his hand. He began to play but he would accidently hit the wrong button, or end up walking into a wall. After the third time his player died he threw the controller on the floor. Blasted, idiotic game. Only fools would waste time on this. He looked at said fool, you, as your mouth dropped open in shock and you picked up the controller and checked it for damage.

“My baby! Did he hurt you?” He cocked his eyebrow at your muttering to the device. Is she mad? You rubbed your face against it affectionately, sniffling for dramatic affect. “I won’t let mean Loki hurt you ever again. Mommy’s sorry!” You peeked at Loki and laughed at his expression. Correction, she is utterly insane. “Oh come on, don’t give me that look. I was joking. But seriously, don’t throw my controller.”

“You are the oddest creature I have ever met,” he stated, not harshly.

“Well, you are in for a surprise. There are people even weirder than me.”

“That seems highly improbable.”

You turned back to the game and resumed where Loki had left off. “You’re just upset because you are awful at video games.” He frowned at that. Loki was never ‘awful’ at anything.

“I come from another world. What’s your excuse?” Oh, that hit a mark. He smirked at your reaction.

You looked at him, appalled. “I am – you just – gah!” You couldn’t even form complete sentences. Loki chuckled lightly, leaning back in his seat. He won the verbal battle and victory felt good. He watched you huff and proceeded to ignore him while you played.

It stayed like that for a while you playing in silence while Loki gazed into space. His mind filled with thoughts of vengeance on Thor. I could always cause chaos to his precious Earth. Draw him out and then finish him. That would show Odin that I am more than equal to Thor. No, not that plan. He wanted them to think he was dead. At least for a while. There was that woman…Jane Foster of New Mexico. I could always give her a visit. His lips curled in a mischievous smile as he thought it out. With the bi-frost destroyed, Thor had no immediate way of reaching her. He could cause all sorts of trouble for her and Thor could not interfere. He could only stand back and listen to that fool Heimdall report what he has seen. Loki liked this plan very much. He continued to think out this plan, unaware of your staring.

“Loki!” You said loudly. He blinked out of his thoughts and looked at you in question. “I called your name like three times. Are you okay?”

His lips turned up in a wicked smile. “I am quite fine. Everything is fine.”

“And you say I’m the odd one,” you muttered quietly.

Normal POV

You parents arrived for dinner a few hours later. You had prepared spaghetti and garlic bread for supper, no thanks to Loki. He just leaned against the wall and watched you prepare the meal, commenting on your cooking skills once and a while. You preferred he didn’t help anyway. You were sure his princely duties did not include cooking for himself. You did, however, make him help set the table. He refused at first but gave in after your excessive nagging.

“Oh, wow. It’s like a restaurant setting in here,” your mom said as she strolled in the kitchen.

“I can get used to this,” your dad agreed.

You sometimes cooked dinner for your family but most of the time your parents were so busy at the lab that you just had to prepare a one-person meal. You kissed both of your parent’s on the cheeks before sitting down. Dinner talk was uneventful. They asked how your day went and what you bought when you went out shopping. You asked how their experiments were coming along. Same old routine. After dinner was done you offered to clean the dishes but your mom said she would since you cooked. You smiled in thanks.

Loki stood from his seat and glanced around at everyone. “I am retiring to my chambers. I bid you all a goodnight.” Your parents said goodnight back and you watched him leave. You were confused; it was too early for bed. Maybe they go to bed at different times in Asgard.

You ended up back in the living room and turned on the TV. Finding Nemo was playing and you decided to watch it. You loved this movie. You parents joined you shortly after. You smiled happily. It has been a while since your last family movie night. By the time the movie was finished it was time for bed. You yawned and stretched your tired limbs from sitting too long. You said goodnight to your parents and headed for bed. You stopped outside in the hallway to listen and see if Loki was still awake. You heard the flipping of pages from a book. Yeah, he’s sleeping alright. You shook your head and went into your own room. You changed into your pajamas and laid in your bed. You were out the moment your head hit the pillow.

Loki’s POV

He studied the Atlas he bought from the book store. His eyes scanned the map and trailed a finger from British Columbia to New Mexico. It was quite a distance, but he was sure his spell would work. He only had performed it once before, in the halls of Asgard. He ended up where he wanted but he injured himself in the process. The spell had combusted midway through. He didn’t retry it after that. The key is focus. I just have to focus on my destination, nothing else. He continued to look through the Atlas, looking at other countries as well. He figured he might as well study up on Earth’s geography.

He waited until it was late into the night before leaving his room. Everyone in the house was asleep. He stood in front of your bedroom door. Should I tell her I am leaving? He decided that it would be for the best, in case you panicked at his disappearance in the morning. He was sure you would do just that. Quietly, he entered your room. Unlocked. Too trusting. He approached you and sat on the edge of the bed. He didn’t wake you at first. Your sleeping face mesmerized him. You looked so innocent and pure. She looks peaceful. I’m about to ruin that. With a quiet sigh he gently shook your arm.

“[Name],” he spoke softly, as to not alarm you. You didn’t stir so he tried again. “[Name], wake up.”

You groggily opened your eyes to blink at him. “Loki? What?” You rubbed your eyes and looked at the clock. He felt guilty as you groaned in annoyance. “It’s four in the morning. You better have a good reason.”

“I’m leaving.” That statement made you freeze in spot. You opened your eyes widely at him, you almost looked scared. He realized you thought he meant forever. He quickly explained, “I mean for a few days.”

He saw you visibly relax. Why would she react like that? “Why?” You asked curiously, sitting up now. He couldn’t tell you the truth. That he was going to harass and torment his brother’s lover to get back at him.

“I am meeting a friend,” he lied.

“Why don’t you just live with them then?” You didn’t say it cruelly, it was an honest question. Those words shot through his heart and he became irritated at the feeling. He stood and took a step back.

“Go back to sleep,” he avoided the question. You were still sleepy so you just nodded and plopped your head back down. You looked at him and smiled tiredly.

“Be safe, don’t talk to strangers.”

“Goodnight, [Name].” He exited your room and shut the door quietly behind him. He sighed.

He proceeded to walk quietly outside of the house and out into the open air. With a deep breath he began the transportation spell. Remember, focus. His hand glowed green as he made a tall oval with it, tall enough to fit him. He kept picturing the spot in New Mexico he visited once. It was near that facility where some humans kept Thor for questioning. He knew Jane lived in the area. He just had to get nearby. He closed his eyes and walked through the glowing oval. He felt like he was falling, or rather, being pulled. He just kept thinking of the location, over and over again. ”Why don’t you just live with them then?” He cursed. His thought pattern was interrupted for a second and all of a sudden he landed onto a sand covered ground. He hit his head off the ground and rolled over, staring up into the sky. The spell had combusted like before, although he fared better than he did last time. Only his hair was slightly singed and a few scrapes were on his body. He groaned in frustration as he lied on the ground. Where had that thought come from? Had it bothered me so? He decided it was time to stand up.

He looked at his surroundings. He was in the dessert and the human building was gone, but Loki knew he was in the right place. He remembered the foliage and the road to the side. He knew that if he followed it, it would lead to Jane Foster.

He brushed the sand and dirt off his pants and starting trekking onward. He followed the road until he saw a small town in the distance. He tried to think of something else besides you and your words. How should I start? A little practical trickery? Maybe I should make her see things only she can see, then she’ll slip into a paranoid madness? The opportunities are endless. He continued on his path until he found her residence. He couldn’t see her but he noticed some black vehicles parked outside. An older man stood outside the building talking to men in suits. Well, what do we have here? Loki masked his presence and approached the group.

“Dr. Selvig, Director Fury would like to see you,” one of the men in suits said. Loki noticed that their vehicles had the word S.H.I.E.L.D plastered on them. The older man, Dr. Selvig, Loki presumed, looked uncomfortable.

“Why would he want to see a simple scientist like myself?” He asked them, cautiously.

“It’s classified. All we can say currently is that he wants you to work on something that could possibly change the world as we know it.”

If Loki wasn’t interested before he was definitely now. Change the world, hm?

Dr. Selvig finally agreed to go with the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and Loki followed, smirking. They were unaware of him as he climbed into one of their vehicles. He looked back to the residence he originally planned to visit. I can always come back.
Another chapter! This one is mostly Loki's POV. [Name] is affecting him more than he thinks and he does not understand why. But we all know why.

Thanks for reading!

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bandbabe2009's avatar
Loki and your schemes. I was rather hoping that the question would bag him a little longer, perhaps even persuade him to stay. Guess not. Onward!